

Welcome to Our Family Unit!

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Confessions of a Vintage Homemaker…what does that even mean?

Well, it doesn’t mean that my house is always clean or that we eat well-balanced meals at the dining room table every night or that I’m trapped standing in front of an oven wearing an apron and pearls, popping out babies (although I do love aprons and pearls…also babies, just not the popping out part so much).

What it does mean is that I believe I can contribute TRUE value to this world by using my God-given passions and gifts to care for my husband, our kids and my home. My goal is to create an environment in our home that fosters love, creativity, and joy; to not only be a better wife, but also to shape the tender hearts of my children and point them to a life devoted to the ‘Giver of Life’. The confessions on this blog are my experiences as I learn to be a vintage homemaker, one that nurtures her family into a unit that embodies God’s character.


I’m a farm girl from the middle of nowhere Colorado. My love of the country and wide open spaces took a backseat when I married my best friend; and now we live in the heart of Silicon Valley. Kyle is a dairy farmer turned video game producer and we have three amazing kids, Woody (5), Jessie (almost 3), and Buzz (10 months). Being a wife and mom is my dream job. Yes, it’s a ton of work (most of it repetitive and/or messy). But what other job gives me the freedom to be a chef, teacher, artist, seamstress, woodworker, decorator, party planner, refurbisher, organizer, crafter, and photographer all in one? I couldn’t ask for more.

I’m still growing in all this; I haven’t figured everything out. But I know God has blessed me richly and I don’t want to “bury my talents” by not sharing what I’m learning on this journey, especially if it might encourage or inspire someone like you.

Thanks for stopping in!